Wednesday 2 October 2013

The Cure.

Since I'm sick, I'm went back to my home. I'm now feeling a lot better than yesterday, than staying in the college while I'm weak. I took some medicines and I used Cool Fever! It really helped me. As long as the God wills me to recover, I will recover! I have been sleeping all day with cool fever on my forehead. I was sweating on my bed because it was an effective way to recover from a fever. As for my stomach ache, I only took a couple of Panadol's tablets. I need to continue my rest as I go back to college soon. Goodbye!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Cause

I'm sick. I'm sick. I'm sick.

I already vomited three times and feeling too weak, even to lift my finger is as difficult as possible. I just wanted to sleep. To be honest, most of us, Quad-P students were food poisoning. The source is unknown. There are only two possible cause. Either the Chlorinate Water or from the Food in the Camp. Now, we have a crisis. The water is contaminated while we are seriously sick. We need our clean and fresh water back!

Monday 30 September 2013

School on Monday.

The school has started but I'm still feeling tired. This is all because of the camp. I didn't get enough sleep last night and today I'm feeling gloomy. Even so, I'm still going to school and decide not to skip my class as it equally important to me. I wonder why everyone is not acting as usual today.....and some of us are missing. Did there stayed in their room? I wonder.....WHY?

Sunday 29 September 2013

End but Never.

The closing ceremony for our camp is commendable. Although, most of us were not satisfied with the time flies by, we still need to go back to college. Nevertheless, we got to swim one more time! No march, no stress!

We managed to complete one task together which is..........The Water Breaks! It was awesome! We had it done in unison and splashing all over the place. All of us enjoyed the day and we had a whale of a time. We were dead tired, so we sleep in the bus.

Saturday 28 September 2013

CAMP! at Congkak River

Congkak River? Haha...It's actually "Sungai Congkak". We will be camping in here at least for 3 days 2 nights. We meet many amazing people in this Camp! But First, I will tell you the details about our units in co-curricular.  First of all, I'm in th "Kadet Polis" unit under the PERMATApintar in UKM. While,our inspector is from SUKSIS in UKM. Well, they are similar but different in some aspects. Our awesome but strictly hilarious instructor is Tuan Alpenzy! He was the one who conducted our police units for this year and maybe will conduct us too in the future which is next year. (Next Year is around the corner!).

Back to camp, we firstly need to set up our tents in order to sleep for tonights and the night after. What will we expect from Sungai Congkak? Absolutely, a RIVER! We managed to swim in the river in the first day of the camp! Which is really awesome.

Nevertheless, we still have the activities prepared by the facilitators and Tuan Alpenzy himself. However, the activities is specifically just marching and learning from the games we played. The games is fun and educate us to be vigilant and fast in making decisions. Also, we need life skills to survive the game. Meanwhile, for the second game, we been taught to be creative in performing the poems. This game called "Sajak Bergaya".
All of us sent the best actor/actress from our team. I personally think that we nail the games especially the "Sajak Bergaya". It was entertaining and I was in stiches.

Lastly, we slept in the tent and no one stay up for the night. We were dead tired and everyone need their "energy-restoring" sleep. We slept with safe and sound. However, the next day is just about begin.

Friday 27 September 2013


Friday! Today is the day where the Male Muslims all around the world will perform their prayers at the mosque together. I love Friday because of the "Solat Jumaat", "Jemaah" a.k.a congregation and the preach of the day at the mosque before the prayer which is the "Khutbah". The preach is done to empower us with the valuable knowledge about Allah Almighty,and the religion of Islam. It is a blessed day that has been designed as such by Allah Almighty, no other day of the week shares its virtues. 

Besides, Friday is also the "Mother of all days". Why? It is because the phenomenons and the benefits of FRIDAY through the eyes of Muslims. Some of them are : 

1st.  Allah created Adam A.S on Friday and he was granted entry into "Jannah" (Heaven) on Friday.

2nd. Adam A.S was sent to earth on this day as his vicegerent.

3rd. Adam A.S died on a Friday.

4th. There is a blessed hour on Friday during which a person is granted anything lawful and good by Allah that he prays for. The blessed hour on Friday is such that Duas are answered and accepted (from my research its an hour in 'Asr to Maghrib) 

6th. The Day of Qiyamah-Resurrection will be on a Friday. It is on this day that the Trumpet will be blown on Friday; There is neither any angels nearest to Allah nor any heaven nor the earth nor the wind and a sea but all of them fear the Day of Jummah,that is why everything in the heavens and the earth including God's most favourite angels and mountains, rivers etc. stand in awe of Friday. 

Thursday 26 September 2013

Continuation OF Works

Finally I'm free from any kind of competitions. My "F1 in schools competition" was meaningful and worth to remember. Now, I'm determine to excel in my Final Exam! I got to study hard and smart as well as to maintain a good health.

As usual, today,  the instructors give us tonnes of work to complete our carry marks component. It is vital as it will be count 40% of my Final Exam. Thus, I will do the best of the best in achieving those carry marks! I will not let the history to repeat itself. The way to success is not to let the history to repeat itself but to constantly practice and learn all of our hearts.

Now, I look forward to participate in co-curricular camp that will be held this weekend. I need to be prepared mentally and physically. The experience that I going to gain will be a lesson to remember for the rest of my life.